Stop Spam

Are you fighting with Spam in your Inbox, malicious attachments, phishing attempts?
Dixie Networks llc and can help you with that.

There is no 100% Spam Free email account, forever, unless its by an approved senders list only.
Even with an approved senders list you may never see the spam, but you’ll still receive it.
Also, you’ll have to add every account that needs to send you email manually.
It can be painstaking and time consuming to administer an approved senders list.
Well, in the real world of Internet email an approved senders list is not always an option for obvious reasons.
Approved Senders lists are usually maintained by strict policy corporate or government agencies.
However, you can bet there is still a spammer trying to get their phishing attempts and other malicious emails through to you.

If you have control of your DNS Zone file, then we can possibly help you.
We just require a simple MX change to point to our Appliance and you will enjoy, at the minimum less spam and malicious email.

We will never promise a 100% Spam Free Inbox, nobody in the Industry can and if they do, hopefully they offer a money back guarantee you can collect on. What we do promise is, at worse case scenario, much less spam and definitely much less malicious content to your Inbox.

We offer:
* Custom Filtering
* Whitelists
* Blacklists
* Quarantined email control
* 24/7 Support

This protection adds another layer of professionally managed services that works with your email clients built in spam and antivirus software, if you have any. All of this happens far upstream of your mailbox, where it should happen, on a completely separate network.

Contact Dixie Networks to see if we can help you recover your Inbox sanity.

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Dixie Networks llc